Tag Archives: consulting

Why we worry about the Ethics of Machine Intelligence

This essay was co-authored by myself and Steve Mills.

We worry about the ethics of Machine Intelligence (MI) and we fear our community is completely unprepared for the power we now wield. Let us tell you why.

To be clear, we’re big believers in the far-reaching good MI can do. Every week there are new advances that will dramatically improve the world. In the past month we have seen research that could improve the way we control prosthetic devices, detect pneumonia, understand long-term patient trajectories, and monitor ocean health. That’s in the last 30 days. By the time you read this, there will be even more examples. We really do believe MI will transform the world around us for the better, which is why we are actively involved in researching and deploying new MI capabilities and products.

There is, however, a darker side. MI also has the potential to be used for evil. One illustrative example is a recent study by Stanford University researchers who developed an algorithm to predict sexual orientation from facial images. When you consider recent news of the detainment and torturing of more than 100 male homosexuals in the Russian republic of Chechnya, you quickly see the cause for concern. This software and a few cameras positioned on busy street corners will allow the targeting of homosexuals at industrial-scale – hundreds quickly become thousands. The potential for this isn’t so far-fetched. China is already using CCTV and facial recognition software to catch jaywalkers. The researchers pointed out that their findings “expose[d] a threat to the privacy and safety of gay men and women.” That disavowal does little to prevent outside groups from implementing the technology for mass targeting and persecution.

Many technologies have the potential to be applied for nefarious purposes. This is not new. What is new about MI is the scale and magnitude of impact it can achieve. This scope is what will allow it to do so much good, but also so much bad. It is like no other technology that has come before. The notable exception being atomic weapons, a comparison others have already drawn. We hesitate to draw such a comparison for fear of perpetuating a sensationalistic narrative that distracts from this conversation about ethics. That said, it’s the closest parallel we can think of in terms of the scale (potential to impact tens of millions of people) and magnitude (potential to do physical harm).

None of this is why we worry so much about the ethics of MI. We worry because MI is unique in so many ways that we are left completely unprepared to have this discussion.

Ethics is not [yet] a core commitment in the MI field. Compare this with medicine where a commitment to ethics has existed for centuries in the form of the Hippocratic Oath. Members of the physics community now pledge their intent to do no harm with their science. In other fields ethics is part of the very ethos. Not so with MI. Compared to other disciplines the field is so young we haven’t had time to mature and learn lessons from the past. We must look to these other fields and their hard-earned lessons to guide our own behavior.

Computer scientists and mathematicians have never before wielded this kind of power. The atomic bomb is one exception; cyber weapons may be another. Both of these, however, represent intentional applications of technology.  While the public was unaware of the Manhattan Project, the scientists involved knew the goal and made an informed decision to take part. The Stanford study described earlier has clear nefarious applications; many other research efforts in MI may not. Researchers run the risk of unwittingly conducting studies that have applications they never envisioned and do not condone. Furthermore, research into atomic weapons could only be implemented by a small number of nation-states with access to proper materials and expertise. Contrast that with MI, where a reasonably talented coder who has taken some open source machine learning classes can easily implement and effectively ‘weaponize’ published techniques. Within our field, we have never had to worry about this degree of power to do harm. We must reset our thinking and approach our work with a new degree of rigor, humility, and caution.

Ethical oversight bodies from other scientific fields seem ill-prepared for MI. Looking to existing ethical oversight bodies is a logical approach. Even we suggested that MI is a “grand experiment on all of humanity” and should follow principals borrowed from human subject research. The fact that Stanford’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), a respected body within the research community, reviewed and approved research with questionable applications should give us all pause. Researchers have long raised questions about the broken IRB system. An IRB system designed to protect the interests of study participants may be unsuited for situations in which potential harm accrues not to the subjects but to society at large. It’s clear that the standards that have served other scientific fields for decades or even centuries may not be prepared for MI’s unique data and technology issues. These challenges are compounded even further by the general lack of MI expertise, or sometimes even technology expertise, within the members of these boards. We should continue to work with existing oversight bodies, but we must also take an active role in educating them and evolving their thinking towards MI.

MI ethical concerns are often not obvious. This differs dramatically from other scientific fields where ethical dilemmas are self-evident. That’s not to say they are easy to navigate. A recent story about an unconscious emergency room patient with a “Do Not Resuscitate” tattoo is a perfect example. Medical staff had to decide whether they should administer life-saving treatment despite the presence of the tattoo. They were faced with a very complex, but very obvious, ethical dilemma. The same is rarely true in MI where unintended consequences may not be immediately apparent and issues like bias can be hidden in complex algorithms. We have a responsibility to ourselves and our peers to be on the lookout for ethical issues and raise concerns as soon as they emerge.  

MI technology is moving faster than our approach to ethics. Other scientific fields have had hundreds of years for their approach to ethics to evolve alongside the science. MI is still nascent yet we are already moving technology from the ‘lab’ to full deployment. The speed at which that transition is happening has led to notable ethical issues including potential racism in criminal sentencing and discrimination in job hiring. The ethics of MI needs to be studied as much as the core technology if we ever hope to catch up and avoid these issues in the future. We need to catalyze an ongoing conversation around ethics much as we see in other fields like medicine, where there is active research and discussion within the community

The issue that looms behind all of this, however, is the fact that we can’t ‘put the genie back in the bottle’ once it has been released. We can’t undo the Stanford research now that it’s been published. As a community, we will forever be accountable for the technology that we create.

In the age of MI, corporate and personal values take on entirely new importance. We have to decide what we stand for and use that as a measure to evaluate our decisions. We can’t wait for issues to present themselves. We must be proactive and think in hypotheticals to anticipate the situations we will inevitably face.

Be assured that every organization will be faced with hard choices related to MI. Choices that could hurt the bottom line or, worse, harm the well-being of people now or in the future. We will need to decide, for example, if and how we want to be involved in Government efforts to vet immigrants or create technology that could ultimately help hackers. If we fail to accept that these choices inevitably exist, we run the risk of compromising our values. We need to stand strong in our beliefs and live the values we espouse for ourselves, our organizations, and our field of study. Ethics, like many things, is a slippery slope. Compromising once almost always leads to compromising again.

We must also recognize that the values of others may not mirror our own. We should approach those situations without prejudice. Instead of anger or defensiveness we should use them as an opportunity to have a meaningful dialog around ethics and values. When others raise concerns about our own actions, we must approach those conversations with humility and civility. Only then can we move forward as a community.

Machines are neither moral or immoral. We must work together to ensure they behave in a way that benefits, not harms, humanity. We don’t purport to have the answers to these complex issues. We simply request that you keep asking questions and take part in the discussion.

This has been crossposted to Medium and to the Booz Allen website as well.

We’re not the only one discussing these issues. Check out this Medium post by the NSF-Funded group Pervasive Data Ethics for Computational Research, Kate Crawford’s amazing NIPS keynote, Mustafa Suleyman’s recent essay in Wired UK, and Bryor Snefjella’s recent piece in BuzzFeed.

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Self-Diagnosis and Government Contracting

Earlier this week Hadley Wickham, Chief Scientist at RStudio, gave a little talk at Booz Allen. He started out in med school, and one of the things that stuck out from his talk was a comparison between being a consulting statistician and taking a medical history. He tells a similar story in this interview:

One of the things I found most useful from med school was we got trained in how to take a medical history, like how to do an interview. Really, there’s a lot of similarities. When you’re a doctor, someone will come to you and say, “I’ve broken my arm. I need you to put a cast on it.” ((During his in-person talk, the patient with the broken-arm-and-cast instead had a cold and wanted antibiotics, which is a better example since the cold is caused by a virus which will be unaffected by the antibiotics.)) It’s the same thing when you’re a statistician, someone comes to you and says, “I’ve got this problem, I need you to fit a linear model and give me a p-value.” The first task of any consulting appointment is to think about what they actually need, not what they think they want. It’s the same thing in medicine, people self‑diagnose and you’ve got to try and break through that and figure out what they really need.

I think this problem comes up in any consulting or contracting environment. As a consultant, should I:

  1. (a) do what my client is asking me to do, or
  2. (b) figure out why they're asking me to do that, and then figure out what they should want me to do, and then convince them that's what they want to do, and then do that thing?

This is pretty routine, and no surprise to anyone who has worked in consulting. Here's why I'm sharing it though. This is from Megan McArdle's discussion of the CMS Inspector General's report on "How HealthCare.gov Went So, So Wrong." ((Which incidentally is something I have spilled a lot of ink about previously.))

The federal government contracting process is insane. [...] A client is a long-term relationship; you want to preserve that. But the federal contracting system specifically discourages these sorts of relationships, because relationships might lead to something unfair happening. (In fact, the report specifically faults CMS for not documenting that one of the people involved in the process had previously worked for a firm that was bidding.) Instead the process tries to use rules and paperwork to substitute for reputation and trust. There’s a reason that private companies do not try to make this substitution, which is that it’s doomed.

Yes, you end up with some self-dealing; people with the authority to spend money on outside vendors dine very well, can count on a nice fruit basket or bottle of liquor at Christmas, and sometimes abuse their power in other less savory ways. But the alternative is worse, because relying entirely on rules kills trust, and trust is what helps you get the best out of your vendors.

Trust is open ended: You do your best for me, I do my best for you. That means that people will go above and beyond when necessary, because they hope you’ll be grateful and reciprocate in the future. Rules, by contrast, are both a floor and a ceiling; people do the minimum, which is also the maximum, because what do they get out of doing more?

Having everything spelled out exactly in contract not only removes trust from the equation, it eliminates the contractor's ability to give you what you need instead of what you originally ask for. It precludes that consultant from exercising their expertise even though that expertise is the very reason they were given a contract in the first place.

Granted, there are some advantages to a consultant only being able to do what they are initially asked to do. Unscrupulous contractors can't use that chain of logic in (b) above to convince the client to do a lot of unnecessary things. But if we don't trust government managers enough to resist that convincing, why should we trust them enough to write up the RFPs and judge proposals and oversee the performance of the contracts in the first place?

I've been consulting less than a year, and I've already been exposed to too many government agencies who are the equivalent of a hypochondriac who stays up all night reading WebMD. "Yes, yes, I understand you have a fever and your neck is stiff, but no, you do not have meningitis... no it's not SARS either... or bird flu." "Yes, I understand you head everyone talking about 'The Cloud,' but no, not every process should be run via Amazon Web Services, and no, you don't need GPUs for that, and no no NO, there is no reason to run a bunch of graph algorithms on non-graph data."

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